Vote NO on Initiative 2109: Protect Our Raises and Our Schools

By Justine Winnie

Vote NO on I-2109, which would repeal the capital gains tax—a tax paid only by the richest 4,000 households in Washington—and eliminate billions in revenue for schools, early learning, and childcare.  

Without the capital gains tax, school construction, childcare, and early learning will come out of the general budget instead. That’s where our raises come from, and the smaller the pool is, the tougher our contract fights will be.  

The wealthy few don’t need our help—but parents, kids, and communities do.

Our union played an important role in the unprecedented statewide coalition that led to the establishment of the capital gains tax. Now is no time to roll the clock back. We worked hard to pass this legislation that’s helping to balance our tax code, and we need to show up to defend it. Our union has voted to endorse the NO on I-2109 Coalition. 

We need to do everything we can to defend what we have won and lessen the pressure on the general fund.  

When it comes down to it, we are trying to stop the rich from eliminating a tax that applies only to them, and enormously benefits working people. Let’s show up to defend this critical measure that is helping to close the wage gap and supporting working families across the state. 

Read the full post here.


‘I really don’t know where we go from here’: Analysis highlights WA child care crisis


Capital gains tax repeal: ‘How greedy have we become?’