2024 Video Voters' Guide: No on I-2109

By Charlotte Alden

My name is Dr. Stephan Blanford, and I’m the Executive Director of Children’s Alliance, which has fought for over 40 years to ensure that every Washington child can thrive.

I’m here on behalf of over 150 organizations representing teachers, parents, kids, childcare providers, small business owners, and workforce development leaders who all oppose Initiative 2109.

I-2109 is a dangerous attempt to repeal our state’s limited capital gains tax on extraordinary profits at the cost of our kids and our future. I-2109 will eliminate billions of dedicated education dollars, worsening our school funding crisis, reducing access to affordable childcare and early learning, and cutting investments in crumbling schools.

Watch the full video on TVW.


Opponents of repealing capital gains tax highlight its role funding schools and child care