Extreme wealth: Tax-law imbalance

By Richard Thomasy

Re: “We can save the U. S. from anti-democratic forces” [Aug. 25, Opinion]:

Politicians in the United States fully participate in catering to the very wealthy among us. They are very like magicians, getting voters to look one way with culture-war issues all the while exercising the will of the billionaire and centimillionaire oligarchs who hold all the purse strings.

Voters should not kid themselves, especially those in the middle and working classes. The very wealthy pay a much lower real tax rate than almost any middle-class voter due to tax laws that always favor the richest among us. This situation will remain this way for the foreseeable future, given voters’ attention paid to the sleight-of-hand trickery of our elected officials.

Read the full article in The Seattle Times.


Working, poor should vote ‘no’ on Initiative 2109


a new report warns that I-2109 could lead to the loss of over 10,000 jobs.